Friday, February 27, 2009


So, on Ash Wednesday I made the decision to fast--I was hoping it would lead to some sort of spiritual clarity. It all started off ok--Water and Weleda Liver Tea for breakfast. By midday I was getting a little sluggish and by the evening all I seemed to be able to gather was that I was depriving myself of food and therefore muddling my mood. In the later night I even gave in and with a friend I ate the dinner I had skipped earlier--I felt that I was holding to my fast for all the wrong reasons and was unable to carry through with the whole thing. Instead of finding the internal strength I thought I was missing, I just provided fuel for my poor mood. I didn't want to think of my fasting experience as something I had to feel bitter about or to regret with some sort of vengeance.

However, I did come to grips with this very scary and rapidly growing disaster known as hunger. Even for as little as ten hours, I felt the beginnings of hunger pains. I feel a little unable to quantitatively equate my experience with people who are actually experiencing far worse fates than mine on a day-to-day basis, but I feel that my experience helped to open my eyes to the absolute terror of this epidemic. If we compared those who are not able to fill their bellies each day to those who just completely take for granted the availability of not just any food, but organic, local, wholesome food, I feel very selfish. I prefer organic food and good-quality food which I know is quote-unquote better than "other" food. But how often could I have helped others! Food in itself is amazing. The sheer quantity of edible things in the world is more than anything I could ever count. How many different seeds, roots, flowers, branches are taken from the ground specifically so mammals, etc could consume them?

What would it be like if no one had ever to suffer with an empty stomach?

1 comment:

  1. "What would it be like if no one had ever to suffer with an empty stomach?"

    Oh, we'd find something else to complain about. Just kidding.

    I had a couple of friends who did a 40 day fast once. I was amazed at how much preparation went into it. They too did it for spiritual reasons and gave themselves one month to prepare.
    In that time, they cut down their daily eating habits. They said it was to shrink the stomach and make the hunger pains less intense. They also used that time to figure out exactly what they wanted spiritually from the fast. I guess they formed an exact question or idea.
    I know one of them was successful. He was a few days before the 40 day mark when he has this huge revelation while watering his yard. He understood it as the answer to question, and felt he was able to stop the fast there.
    The other friend I'm not so sure. If anything miraculous happened, he didn't share it with others.

    Of course, a 40 day fast would be absolutely impossible at Soltane. But don't feel discouraged about fasting in the future; it can be fruitful (wow! look at that alliteration!).
